Published On: October 18, 2023

A Solution without a Problem: Where to Start your AI Journey

Featuring Dr. Floor Blindenbach, CEO of Organizing for Innovation, and insights from Cheryl Wilson Griffin, the episode provided practical guidance for legal professionals. Here are the key takeaways.

The Importance of Problem Identification

Cheryl emphasized the need to clearly define problems before jumping into AI solutions. She pointed out that understanding the problem is essential because solutions can vary and change over time. Cheryl highlighted that spending time to thoroughly understand the issue can lead to more effective and lasting solutions.

Dr. Floor Blindenbach elaborated on this by explaining that many organizations struggle because they focus on solutions without fully understanding the problems they are trying to solve. She used the example of a firm attempting to replace an outdated CRM system without first identifying the specific issues with the current system. Floor stressed that knowing whether the problem is related to cost, usability, or another factor is crucial for selecting the right solution.

Case Study: Effective AI Implementation

Floor shared a case study to illustrate how to approach AI projects effectively. A midsize law firm set up an AI committee with high enthusiasm but struggled to make progress. The committee’s efforts were scattered, with members discussing various possibilities without a clear focus. After joining Floor’s de-risking generative AI program, the firm defined a specific project: creating a database for better cost and duration forecasts in litigation matters. This focused approach led to concrete progress within weeks, demonstrating the importance of clear problem definition and project scope.

Practical Steps for Starting AI Projects

  1. Define the Problem Clearly: Understand the specific issues you need to solve. This involves detailed discussions and identifying the root causes of inefficiencies.
  2. Engage Motivated Participants: Ensure that the team working on the project is committed and has a clear understanding of the problem. Enthusiastic and dedicated team members are more likely to drive the project to success.
  3. Focus on Point Solutions: Start with specific, well-defined projects rather than broad, ambitious initiatives. This approach allows for measurable progress and reduces the risk of failure.
  4. Ensure Top Management Support: Gaining commitment from senior management is crucial. Their support can provide the necessary resources and remove obstacles.
  5. Adopt an Opportunistic Approach: Rather than planning large-scale, long-term projects, focus on smaller, opportunistic projects that can demonstrate value quickly. This approach helps in building momentum and securing ongoing support.

The Role of AI in Enhancing Legal Practice

Both Cheryl and Floor discussed the potential of AI to transform legal practices by automating routine tasks and providing deeper insights through data analysis. However, they cautioned that AI should be seen as an augmentative tool rather than a replacement for human expertise. Proper implementation requires a clear understanding of both the capabilities and limitations of AI.

The Value of Human Oversight

Floor emphasized that human oversight is essential in AI projects. While AI can handle many tasks, human expertise is crucial for interpreting results, making strategic decisions, and ensuring ethical standards. She used the metaphor of AI as an “Iron Man suit” – enhancing capabilities but still requiring human control and guidance.


The “AI for Smart People” podcast episode featuring Dr. Floor Blindenbach and Cheryl Wilson Griffin provided valuable insights into starting AI projects in the legal industry. By focusing on clearly defined problems, engaging motivated participants, and starting with point solutions, legal professionals can effectively integrate AI into their workflows. This episode highlights the importance of problem identification, practical project management, and the role of human oversight in leveraging AI’s full potential.

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