Published On: June 20, 2024

AI in Legal Practice CLE Resources

Enjoy our curated list of resources designed to help lawyers safely integrate AI technologies into their legal practices. Find the right solutions tailored to your business needs and stay ahead in the evolving landscape of legal technology.

Legal Technology Hub

Legal Technology Hub is a comprehensive directory that helps lawyers discover, compare, and select the best legal technology solutions for their practice. Streamline your search and make informed decisions with our extensive, up-to-date resources tailored to the legal industry.

The Legal Tech Fund | Insights

TLTF Insights offers expert analysis, news, and trends to help lawyers stay informed about the latest advancements in legal technology. Empower your practice with actionable insights and thought leadership from industry experts.

Tech Thursday

Tech Thursday from Legal Tech Consultants provide in-depth video demonstrations of the latest legal technology products. Stay informed and make smarter technology choices with our expert-led, detailed reviews and insights.

AI for Smart People | Video

AI for Smart People offers accessible and practical insights into AI technologies for busy legal professionals. Enhance your understanding and application of AI in your practice with expert advice, tips, and interviews tailored to the legal industry.

ABA TechReport

The ABA TechReport provides in-depth analysis and insights on how technology is transforming the legal profession, offering lawyers valuable resources and guidance to enhance their practice with the latest tech innovations.

AI for Smart People | Podcast
The AI for Smart People podcast provides legal professionals with practical insights and expert interviews on integrating AI into their practice. COMING SOON to Spotify!

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