Published On: November 8, 2023

Recruiting for Law Firms: How to Find AI/ML Talent

In this episode, the conversation focused on recruiting AI talent for the legal industry. Featuring Somer Hackley, founder and CEO of Distinguished Search, and Larry Bridgesmith, adjunct professor and strategic advisor at Guardrail Technologies, the discussion provided valuable insights on how law firms can attract and integrate AI professionals. Here are the key takeaways.

Understanding the Need for AI Talent

The legal industry is increasingly recognizing the importance of AI in transforming practice efficiency and service delivery. As noted, the lack of background expertise in AI within the legal sector presents a challenge. Therefore, identifying and recruiting the right AI talent is crucial. Somer emphasized that the skills required for AI roles in legal practice are evolving, and firms must stay updated on these changes to remain competitive.

The High Demand and Compensation for AI Roles

Somer highlighted the significant demand for AI professionals, with salaries for AI engineers reaching up to $800,000 annually. This high compensation can pose a challenge for law firms, which must compete with tech companies offering similar or higher pay. Larry noted that law firms must find ways to attract AI talent without necessarily matching these high salaries, focusing instead on offering a compelling work culture and opportunities for impact.

The Importance of Culture and Inclusion

Fostering a culture of inclusion and valuing all team members, regardless of their roles, is essential. Law firms often struggle with creating an inclusive culture, especially for non-lawyers. Changing this mindset is crucial for attracting and retaining AI talent. AI professionals seek workplaces where they feel valued and can make a significant impact.

Practical Steps for Recruiting AI Talent

Several practical steps for recruiting AI talent include:

  1. Partner with Tech Companies: Collaborate with tech companies and leverage their expertise to train and upskill existing staff.
  2. Engage in University Programs: Establish partnerships with universities to tap into emerging talent and support academic programs focused on AI and data science.
  3. Host Hackathons and Networking Events: Participate in or organize events that attract AI professionals, providing opportunities to showcase the firm’s commitment to innovation.

Preparing for AI Adoption

Before starting the recruitment process, firms should assess their readiness for AI adoption. This involves understanding the current state of the firm’s data and identifying specific problems that AI can solve. Consulting with experts to conduct readiness assessments and develop a strategic plan for AI integration may be beneficial.

Long-Term Recruitment Strategies

Long-term recruitment strategies are important, such as building an employer brand and creating a buzz around the firm’s commitment to innovation. This can help attract top talent and ensure that candidates are aware of the firm’s vision and values.


The “AI for Smart People” podcast episode with Somer Hackley and Larry Bridgesmith provided a comprehensive overview of the challenges and strategies for recruiting AI talent in the legal industry. By understanding the evolving landscape of AI roles, fostering an inclusive culture, and implementing practical recruitment steps, law firms can successfully integrate AI professionals into their teams. This approach not only enhances the firm’s capabilities but also positions it for future success in a rapidly changing technological environment.

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