Privacy and Security: Our Commitment

Learn how we handle your personal information in alignment with global data privacy frameworks.

Updated: June 12, 2024

Effective: June 12, 2024


We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of our website visitors and clients. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your personal information in alignment with global and local data privacy frameworks. We understand the importance of privacy and are dedicated to ensuring that your personal data is handled respectfully and lawfully.

What Data Do We Collect?

The types of information collected may include your name, email address, phone number, what country you reside in, information about the company you work for, and any other information you choose to provide.

We explicitly state that we do not collect special category data (sensitive personal data) for any purposes.

How Do We Collect Your Data?

We do not automatically collect any personal information when you visit our website. Personal information is collected only when you voluntarily provide it to us. This may occur when you inquire about our services, download secured content, complete a survey, or fill out a form on our website.

How Will We Use Your Data?

We use your data to:

  • Provide you with requested information about our Services.
  • To provide you Services under a contract.
  • To better understand your needs and to improve our services.

In some cases, we may use publicly available data sources, such as LinkedIn, to gather additional information about you. This is done to enhance our understanding of your potential needs and to tailor our services accordingly.

If you have agreed to receive marketing information from us, you may always opt out at a later date. If you no longer wish to be contacted for marketing purposes, please click here to contact us. You may also use the unsubscribe links included in all our marketing email.

When Will We Share Your Data?

We take your privacy seriously and do not sell or commercialize your data without your direct, express consent. An example of this would be if you request to be referred to or introduced to one of the “Companies We Love.” In such cases, you will have submitted your personal information to us via a form specifically and clearly indicating that you would like us to share your information with the specific third-party company.

How Do We Store Your Data?

Your personal data is stored securely in our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, currently HubSpot, with multi-factor authentication. This ensures that your information is managed responsibly and is accessible only to authorized personnel.

Your Data Protection Rights

While this policy does not specify each data protection right available due to their variation depending on the user’s location and our company’s activities, we assure you that protecting your privacy and respecting your wishes is our paramount concern.

Generally, you have rights including, but not limited to, accessing your personal data, requesting correction or deletion, and limiting processing. If you wish to exercise any of your rights or have concerns about our use of your data, please contact us directly. We are committed to addressing your requests and ensuring your rights are respected in a timely manner.

How to Reach Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, please contact us. We are dedicated to ensuring your privacy is protected and will take all necessary steps to address your inquiries and requests.